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Age 37, Male

North Hollywood, CA

Joined on 6/25/14

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Where do you get the asteroid rocks? Also, it might be cool to have a section in the FAQ for all the collectibles/sidequests

Contains spoilers.
Where do I find the second meteorite? I've found the first one in Misty Gorge, but everywhere I search I've found nothing. I can access Forgotten Forest W, which leads to a cliff which I can't get past, and I haven't heard of any other paths to the forgotten forest.
I know you get the Lucky Belt from The Wall, but the guy having trouble with the postal service isn't really hinting good enough for me to figure out.
What do Is the use of the Gold Bar and the Small Baton?

The most difficult thing in this game, aside from frogs, is the collectibles. Going to the Dread Lands to look for a Moonstone isn't so motivating when you risk not finding anything, and having to travel such an unforgiving landscape. I would suggest a x/x in the map, displaying how many of Ruby Hearts or Moonstones you've got in the area you're hovering over. Especially with how well you are at hiding secrets, which is a good thing.
The only part of this game that was too hard for me was the robot eye before the end. It looked possible with an inventory of sushi and lots of patience, but after two attempts, I shamelessly used Cheat Engine to give me infinite health. I didn't have a problem with 0066, it was difficult, but it was a fun kind of difficult.
I also see you added a delay after speaking with NPC's, which only adds to the perfection that this game is. It is one of the best games I have ever played, currently sitting on 8th on my list of all time, and I look forward to the sequel.

Get one asteroid rock from a cave in Misty Gorge (need rocket boots to reach area, and the cave is under a stone that you need to destroy with a bomb), another from Fran for having 25 moonstones.

What new ingredient does the chef want?
What do you do for the guy at the wall that complains about the post office taking too long?
How do you get flying cave jelly? I must have killed about 100 of them and other people have asked about drop rate too, so I'm guessing it's not from killing them.

I'm stuck in the Nebula Armlet dungeon. I killed my way through the SkeleDroids, and got the armlet, but when I got back to the room with the first, solitary red SkeleDroid, it had respawned, thereby causing the gate to close. With no way to open the gate from the inside, I'm stuck. Is there another way out, or something?

hey there, so i think i know where the last meteor rock is but i have NO idea how anyone could make it... at the bottom of well in atai there's a tunnel and it takes you to what looks like a space ship but it has those damn red robots which are impossible. actually, whats the best way to kill those things? and, yeah, a hint as to the second meteorite would be awesome, thanks.

p.s. thanks quells for the game and assistance, i've made my way to the crater now and continuing forward

Well i struggled enough with that eyed boss. You are inadequate. FK U . DIE

anybody know the location of all moonstones? I am stuck at 35 and completed everything (besides the moonstones of course)

I'm almost to the end boss of the game, but I realized I still don't have the best weapon. Am I missing something, like a special metal for the blacksmith? It would be easier to rely on the final weapon to beat the game.

I'm pretty sure you get the best weapon from giving the blacksmith asteroid shards

Finally beat the game! Awesome job! I actually outrun 66 on my 2nd try. LOL Helps I ate something to boost my Stamina, and closed the doors etc.

Remaining Questions:
Is there anything to do in Forgotten Forest W.?
What do you feed the Chicken?
Does anyone get the Appreciation Flower?
How do you get the Moon Stone in Atai City that's in the pot way up on the tower?
Is there an item for the 2nd Misc slot in the end game? I got Green Bracelet, Blank, Nebula Armlet.
Probably others, but that's all the comes to mind.

How can I get Scroll of Force, Jet Boots, the final weapon, and the last tool (grey circle with red triangles)?

thanks for the youtube video, I'll try it out.

I saved my game at the area where I entered the ancient place after getting the the rocket boots, but the game didn't keep the save state. Now I have to fight the Thomas robot again. Please fix that.

I think I found an exploit.

At Thomas's Lab, the boss robot can be easily defeated if you just stand ON the trap door and use the sling shot to hit the switch to open it. You will fall and lose some health but be spawned all the way to the top of the map (The best way to do it is to drop Gale WITH the robot after it crashes itself the first time).

At this point you can actually just leave the boss battle by walking out the door. Or...

You can walk back down to the ledge (Gale will go off-screen but it's still easy to find the way). The robot will keep driving/shooting at the wall unable to reach you. Since the boss keeps driving on the trap door you can safely keep aiming for the switch from up on the ledge to keep dropping the robot over and over until it dies.

another bug: once you reach the south entrace of mul cavern, you can select the north exit right away and skip the whole section. select north and exit north to unlock forest and crater.

This is a known bug for people who started playing with v1.05 or earlier. I'll make a full comment on this later. It is not recommended to skip since you need to at least trigger cutscenes in Mul Caves and get the rocket boots. Enter Mul Caves from the south and make sure you get the rocket boots. If you have rocket boots, then it's fine to skip.

I can't figge rout how to get past the ladders with the bellson them. Can someone help?

Here's a video. Hope it helps!

I got the Nebula Armlet, what does it do?

Do some of you solved the girl that lost her memory at Cross Roads?

SamohtGnir asked all my other questions :)

Past 35 moonstones, I'm not sure what to do...

The slimes don't seem to drop any goo, no idea what the chicken eats...

I'm at a loss. Am I missing a location somewhere or just failing at quests?

And, well, the secret badges...who knows.

"This is a known bug for people who started playing with v1.05 or earlier. I'll make a full comment on this later. It is not recommended to skip since you need to at least trigger cutscenes in Mul Caves and get the rocket boots. Enter Mul Caves from the south and make sure you get the rocket boots. If you have rocket boots, then it's fine to skip."

i started playing with version 1.06, not 1.05. So either the bug was still present with 1.06 or it still hasnt been fixed.

Hope this can answer some of your questions:

"i want to know where to find the last weapon" - get the two asteroid rocks and get them to the blacksmith.

"whats the deal with Gale being a pheonix weapon or whatever" - **SPOILER** it makes sense that the phoenix weapons, being genetically modified humans, could reproduce with normal humans after the war. ADAM's DNA is in the gene pool, and Gale is a descendant of one

harpy strategy - best thing I did was get behind the harpy before she's noticed you, charge up a spear and let it rip. Then, just do a small jump and spear her again. Even if you're off-screen, you might be able to hit her. Otherwise, just wait for her to divebomb you, side step, jump and swing.

door in forest - further down, where the floor caves in, if you place the metal box to the right of the touchplate, climb back up and use your slingshot to knock it to the left, it should open the passage to the door down the left.

Don't do the goo - you just get lilac honey, which you can get from the bee lab after turning in a purple honeycomb (plus its cheaper - 80 vs 300). If you're DEAD SET - the area with the downed spaceship with the sos? They respawn after leaving the screen. Just keep going back and forth and you'll eventually get it (took me several attempts spanning a few hours. SUPER pis't I wasted all that time)

gold bar - 3 uses so far i've found: you can sell it for a profit (buy early - price goes up as game progresses, but takes up vital inventory slot), give it to the old lady when you steal her savings, and give it to a harpy in forgotten village for a moonstone

"Is there anything to do in Forgotten Forest W.?" - get more moonstones, hearts, progress more story. Not needed to complete game, but it helps tie things together

"Does anyone get the Appreciation Flower?" - you can give it to a few people, but so far the only thing i've gotten back was some toasted frog legs from lisa

"How do you get the Moon Stone in Atai City that's in the pot way up on the tower?" - eat some honey with the rocket boots - increases the time you can fly by about 3 fold

"Is there an item for the 2nd Misc slot in the end game?" - Yes - it's in the village past the forgotten forest. it costs $999 and gives you 1 health per second (only when you're about to die - and stops at 10. Totally not worth it)

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